Sunday, March 06, 2005

Boohbah's Back - i think

So last night about 3am I was awakened in a start.
I had been dreaming of the freakin' Boohbah! I changed channels on the TV to 113 - nice boring history stuff. I gave Seachele a peck and nestled all snug.


What the heck? I wasn't even asleep yet and already I'm letting this thing get to me. It was still going - the whole boobah song. I got up and looked around partly to make sure I was awake and partly to make sure boohbah hadn't come back as an evil ghost boohbah (i've read about them but didn't believe it) to suck my brain out while I slept.


I turned on every light in the house and looked in every closet. I checked the dogs' water bowl to make sure it hadn't sucked it dry.


I went back and got in bed after making sure Nathanga was breathing and all the dogs were ok. I hadn't seen Maddy but sometimes she sleeps under the bed.


right about then the sound came back - the wiggly giggly song, the one he sings when you squeeze his foot - RIGHT UNDER THE BED!

I knew I heard it this time and jumped out of bed - there was Boohbah being chewed relentlessly by Maddy. She had hid him under the bed for a couple weeks and had been gnawing him to bits but he was still alive!

I put maddy in the cage and snuggled boohbah in bed with me. and slept.


Toaster said...

Ewww, wasn't it doggy-slobbered? And why yes, I do enjoy your boobah conquests. I saw one of these things at a KB toys once and freaked. They're scary.

I said to myself: "Only a grown man could handle the hideousness of this artificial beast." And somewhere, an angel got his wings.

Dallas said...

Never heard of a Boohbah before. Especially a Boohbah below the bed. Learn something new every day. Saw your post on my site (thanks for visiting) and thought I'd check out your site. Very intereting if I say so myself. Will keep checking in every once in awhile.

DT-19 said...

Hey...never heard of a boobah...I feel left out