Thursday, April 22, 2004

Get out of the left lane!!

I drive five miles to work each day. For Four of those miles i am cussing like a sailor. I suppose i should just sit back and enjoy what's on the radio but i can't. It's not that I hate old people, or stupid people, or old, stupid people I just want things to be right.

In almost, if not every state in the union there is a law which prohibits driving in the left lane (with the exceptions of passing slower traffic and turning left). I know it is the law in SC. So why is it that these normally law-abiding citizens who, for reasons unknown, have survived for fourscore and too many years should flaunt the law and defy the right minded, hard-working folk who try to remind them (via the flashing of lights, tooting of horn and various hand signals) that their anti-social behavior is akin to those of al queda.

It is the goal of terrorists to destabilize our way of life; to break our steady march of progress. Let them send their bombers and kalashnikov-toting maniacs. We can handle all they can send and more; but these fiendish slowers-down of our economy, these leaches who no longer have jobs, living off those who produce - with their social security and their Medicare; these are the true danger. Poking along in the left lane - keeping vital shipment for industry mired in traffic, they slog along, their blinkers indicating eminent changes of direction confusing workers on their way to and from the engine of our economy.

I say to better the American way of life we must unclog the arteries of our nation! I urge each and every one of you to flash your lights, honk your horns and give the appropriate hand signals to those who tie up our left lanes.

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