Thursday, January 29, 2004

The joys of parenting a future beach bum

My son is 12 - his teachers at North Myrtle Beach Middle School tell me he is one of the smartest kids they have in class. But he takes after me too much. Builds the most complex legos and bionicles you could imagine but can't turn in his math homework.

He does the work, i put the paper in his hand as i send him towards the school, then something happens and the homework doesn't show up on his teachers desk.

"why didn't you turn in your homework?"
"i don't know"
"Don't you want to pass the class so you can surf this summer instead of going to summer school?"
"Then turn in your homework!"
"dad, did you see my newest bionicle can lids? they snap together to form a ball"
"hey neat, son can i do that?"

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